New Patient Offer
New Patient Offer for Patients Without Insurance:

Cleaning, Exam and X-rays
Now Only $259
(Value of $450)

To take advantage of this amazing offer, call us today and mention our website, or simply complete the form below.

Offer Expires 02/11/2025

TMJ Treatment

Advanced Solutions for TMJ

Do you suffer from chronic pain in your jaw and face, experience "popping" sounds when you chew and talk or have symptoms such as headaches or lockjaw? If so, the problem may be TMJ. This condition affects more than 10 million people in the U.S. alone. And it’s more than just painful — over time it can cause serious damage to your jaws and teeth.

TMJ Dysfunction is a popular term to describe a disorder of the jaw joints or the muscles that control the joints. Symptoms masquerade as a multitude of other problems such as sinus headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder stiffness and earaches.

We can accurately pinpoint the source of your pain and provide relief using the very latest in gentle, nonsurgical treatments.

Contact us for more information about TMJ Treatment.


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